Date PostedSeptember 20, 2012

Father Alleges KFC Food Poisoning Left His Daughter Brain Damaged

A case in Sydney involving a brain damaged young girl has highlighted the dangers of food poisoning and the need for better food safety. A KFC in Sydney has been ordered by a Supreme Court to pay $8 million to a girl who was allegedly brain damaged after being poisoned by food eaten at the local KFC.

Apparently the incident occurred in 2005, when the girl ate a Twister chicken wrap from the KFC which caused her to contract Salmonellosis and become disabled. This tragic incident highlights the dangers associated with food poisoning and serves as a stark reminder of just how serious the consequences can be. For most people they never consider the danger they may be placing others in by handling food incorrectly. What’s the worst that could happen, diarrhoea, vomiting and maybe a headache, but no one ever expects damages as serious as this, irreversible brain damage!

Unfortunately Salmonella is a sneaky bacterium which hides in food, seldom altering its smell or appearance making it difficult to detect. Once ingested the Salmonella lives in the intestinal tract of the person or animal and is usually transmitted to humans by eating foods contaminated with animal faeces. Salmonella poisoning usually doesn’t last more than a week and normally does not result in death but as in this instance can result in serious long term effects.

The fact that workers of KFC admitted to witnessing food safety breaches makes KFC liable. Allowing food to fall on the floor and handling food without gloves were just two of the breaches mentioned but there may have been more. KFC however refused to accept responsibility for the girl’s condition, claiming that their food was safe.

Whether or not the KFC was responsible, you can make your own judgement, however one thing that can be assumed is that salmonella poisoning is not something that should be taken lightly, especially if it has the potential to cause such serious consequences.

Read this piece that was posted on that explains the incident:


KFC is appealing against an order to pay $8m in damages to a girl who suffered salmonella poisoning. Source: AAP

The appeal comes almost five months after the court ordered KFC to pay $8 million in damages and legal costs to Monika Samaan.

Justice Stephen Rothman found a Twister bought by her father on October 24, 2005, was the source of salmonella poisoning which left the teenager severely disabled.

“As a result of her injuries, it is clear she will never enjoy the normal life that was expected of her prior to this catastrophic event,” Justice Rothman concluded in April.

KFC had previously indicated it would appeal the judge’s liability finding and disputed the evidence of the girl’s father, AmanwialSamaan, who said he bought the food from its Villawood store and it contained the salmonella bacteria that caused Monika’s injuries.

Some staff members testified they used to throw food around as a joke and saw chicken fall to the floor and people handling food without wearing gloves.

A KFC Australia spokesman said the decision to appeal was difficult but necessary.

“We feel deeply for Monika Samaan and her family, but we continue to believe our food is perfectly safe and that the evidence in this case showed the incident was unrelated to our products,” the spokesman said in a statement



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