3M has introduced a new molecular detection assay for Listeria Monocytogenes which is the company’s 4th test released for their molecular detection system. The detection system provides an easy and accurate way of testing for dangerous pathogens in a variety of foods.
3M’s molecular detection system was introduced to food processors, third-party reference laboratories and other customers in December 2011.The company offers a reliable system for detecting Listeria pathogen using rapid, qualitative technology to enriched foods as well as food process samples, according to a post on www.ferret.com.au. The post goes on to explain:
A breakthrough for the food and beverage industry, the 3M molecular detection assays use isothermal amplification of nucleic acid sequences, plus bioluminescence to detect the amplification. Presumptive positive results are delivered in real-time while negative results are displayed after the assay is completed.
The 3M molecular detection system is an innovative solution that is fast, cost-effective and easy to use, without sacrificing sensitivity or specificity.
Niki Montgomery, global marketing and development manager for 3M Food Safety explains that listeria monocytogenes is a highly dangerous pathogen that remains a serious concern in the food processing industry.
Whatever methods food businesses employ to combat Listeria is up to them but food safety and hygiene are important if businesses want to avoid sickening customers and possibly starting an outbreak.
Listeria contamination can be extremely dangerous, especially to pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone with a compromised immune system. Symptoms of the condition include:
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Fever
If the infection were to spread to the nervous system, then it can also cause headache, loss of balance, confusion, and even convulsions. Pregnant women specifically need to be concerned since they may only feel flu-like symptoms, but their unborn baby could be seriously affected by the food poisoning.
Any who suspects that they may be experiencing the symptoms of a listeria contamination,they need to see a doctor, no matter your age or health condition.
Remember anyone can become seriously ill from Listeriosis. If you have consumed any food that you suspect may be contaminated see a physician even if you aren’t yet showing any symptoms of an illness. Certain soft cheeses, meats and seafood are particularly high risk when it comes to comes to foodborne pathogens such as Listeria, so be careful when consuming these foods.
A recent article on WebMD provided more information about Listeria outbreaks following the recent Cantaloupe outbreak in The USA. The article explained:
The contaminated cantaloupes were traced to a Colorado grower, and while the exact cause of the contamination isn’t known, unsanitary conditions were likely the culprit, according to the report.
“The problem is that listeria bacteria grows on produce — in this case cantaloupes — and occurs especially when proper precautions aren’t taken at the farm or processing facility,” Siegel said.
One possible contributor to the outbreak is inadequate facility and equipment design, which hampered thorough cleaning of surfaces the melons could touch, according to the report. Another possible route to contamination is a truck kept next to the processing line that went to and from a cattle operation.
For a better understanding read the full article at http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/food-poisoning/news/20130905/lessons-learned-from-cantaloupe-listeria-outbreak