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Food Safety over the Holidays

Naturally this time of the year is one filled with celebrations and eating but it is also the time of year when the most number of food poisoning cases are reported and this is no coincidence. There are many holiday

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The Value of Investing in a Meat Thermometer

A valuable yet highly underrated kitchen utensil which should feature in every kitchen is the Meat Thermometer. I recently came across an article by a food safety writer on which discussed the value of this kitchen tool. As the

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Caustic Soda used instead of Salt Sickens 11

WorkSafe WA is investigating an incident involving a case of mistaken identity between caustic soda and table salt. Eleven people fell ill after consuming caustic soda instead of salt. 5 of these were children under the age of 10 who

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Travellers How to decrease your risks of Foodborne Illness

Are you one of those people that get sick from food poisoning every time you leave home on holiday? Well there are some simple rules to staying safe when travelling especially when consuming food while travelling abroad. Commonly referred to

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81 Ill in Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Imported Cucumbers

An outbreak in the USA is an example of the wide range of food products that can become contaminated by Salmonella and subsequently sicken consumers.  While most people associate Salmonella contamination with eggs and poultry alone, there are many types

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Importance of Keeping Food Chilled to Prevent Contamination

Food handlers and those responsible for food preparation must ensure that food is promptly refrigerated to avoid contamination by bacteria. Foodborne illness causing bacteria can grow and multiply in perishable foods within two hours unless you refrigerate them, which is

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Norovirus Strains Baffles US Authorities

The US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) are apparently battling over a new strain of the dangerous Norovirus which has become a real problem in the United States lately. Anyone can be infected and become ill from Norovirus multiple times

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Aussie Tomatoes Exposed to Radiation a Concern for Kiwi Consumers

A debate has been raging in New Zealand over whether or not to keep importing tomatoes grown in Oz which have been zapped with radiation. Many are concerned about whether the tomatoes present a health risk but many people say

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Keeping Insects Out of Your Restaurant

A nasty visitor to homes and restaurants always unwelcomed but possessing a knack for finding their way back no matter how hard we try to keep them out, are insects. Especially in warmer months or after rain, there seems to

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Importance of Proper Handwashing for Food Prep Workers

Our hands are an important tool and are what differentiate us from the animals. Our hands have the ability to create and destroy, nowhere is this fact as apparent as it is in the food service industry. Clean hands are

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